Fairbnb is a new initiative in Croydon aiming to prevent homelessness before it happens. We help struggling families get back on their feet by matching those who don’t have a roof over their head with generous homeowners, who have the space to put them up.
We’re looking for hosts who have a spare room or two. Depending on how much room you’ve got available, you might host a pregnant woman, a single mum with kids, or a family.
Fairbnb is a new initiative in Croydon aiming to prevent homelessness before it happens. We help struggling families get back on their feet by matching those who don’t have a roof over their head with generous homeowners, who have the space to put them up.
We’re looking for hosts who have a spare room or two. Depending on how much room you’ve got available, you might host a pregnant woman, a single mum with kids, or a family.
Fairbnb is a new initiative in Croydon aiming to prevent homelessness before it happens. We help struggling families get back on their feet by matching those who don’t have a roof over their head with generous homeowners, who have the space to put them up.
We’re looking for hosts who have a spare room or two. Depending on how much room you’ve got available, you might host a pregnant woman, a single mum with kids, or a family.
Fairbnb is a new initiative in Croydon aiming to prevent homelessness before it happens. We help struggling families get back on their feet by matching those who don’t have a roof over their head with generous homeowners, who have the space to put them up.
We’re looking for hosts who have a spare room or two. Depending on how much room you’ve got available, you might host a pregnant woman, a single mum with kids, or a family.
Use this simple calculator as a guide to the average weekly room rate in your area. At the moment Fairbnb is operating only in Croydon, Lambeth and Islington but it will be rolling out all over London. Register today if you'd like to become a host.
As well as doing good in their community, hosts will be paid for each room they rent. Funding for hosts comes from the area council's temporary accommodation budget.The people you'd be hosting are people like your friends or family, only they've fallen on hard times. The alternative for most families is being placed in a B&B, often miles away from their home and their child’s school.
Safety is our top priority. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam a sapien vehicula lacus ultricies porta. Cras ut gravida lorem. Donec vitae justo a massa aliquet tincidunt. Nunc ut nisl nec sapien auctor suscipit. Nunc vel ex eget neque lobortis accumsan. Vivamus mollis orci eu finibus efficitur. Integer aliquam dolor at dui dignissim gravida.
Donec et volutpat diam. Duis a neque turpis. Fusce aliquet egestas erat vitae tempus. Aliquam tristique elit ac libero faucibus dapibus. Nullam aliquam lacus augue, nec elementum lacus consequat sit amet. Nunc non risus vel urna gravida blandit. Nulla vehicula tellus vel eros pretium blandit. Sed dapibus in quam in gravida.
Vehicula tellus vel eros pretium blandit. Sed dapibus in quam in gravida.
Vehicula tellus vel eros pretium blandit. Sed dapibus in quam in gravida.
Vehicula tellus vel eros pretium blandit. Sed dapibus in quam in gravida.
Phasellus vitae odio sed sapien iaculis convallis. Nullam sed tellus tortor. Curabitur aliquet urna lectus, euismod dapibus enim maximus et. Sed maximus velit dui, eu euismod mi luctus in. Etiam suscipit nulla ut posuere dignissim. Morbi non efficitur nisl. Mauris sollicitudin porta orci tincidunt consequat. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec dignissim magna sit amet consectetur pulvinar. Praesent bibendum condimentum sem, eu iaculis massa sagittis ac.
Maecenas eget orci cursus, blandit dolor id, facilisis magna. Vivamus mauris nibh, finibus vitae lacinia eget, ornare vel erat. Nullam odio mi, fringilla ac neque ac, rhoncus tincidunt nulla. Sed eleifend urna nulla, ac accumsan metus faucibus ac. Nulla iaculis pharetra accumsan. In feugiat nisi quis eros dignissim fermentum. Proin vitae consectetur massa. In suscipit dapibus pretium. Nam eu tellus eros. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Cras venenatis, tortor a porta cursus, nibh sem venenatis ipsum, viverra aliquet lorem dolor sit amet tellus. Nunc id bibendum ipsum. Aenean fermentum urna id risus pulvinar, nec tristique magna mollis. Nulla eu auctor nisi, vel congue lacus.
For more information please visit our FAQ page or get in touch here.